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 Adelaide Fringe - 2018

Every year Adelaide Fringe invites any creative to design a new poster for the event. The best submissions are then submitted to the general public through Adelaide Fringe’s Facebook page to vote by likes on each poster. Below is my submission and branding.

With concepting the poster design, I also went out to design a new logo with a style guide to show how and when to use the logo, colours, typefaces, patterns, backgrounds and brochure mockups.

Brochure Design and Mockup

Hypernormalisation is a documentary exploring numerous different themes on multiple events that have occured during the 80s right up to the time of when the video was published in 2016. The aim is to analyse the film in a media designer perspective to gain a concept which will inform the poster design as a potential promotional piece.


The research process began with looking into existing wineries and labels that existed. During the research, I’ve learned that there is a reason behind each label, whether that is clear or not from the beginning. With my logo design, I aimed to have a hidden meaning and a visible meaning. The logo can be seen to represent a wine glass and could be seen as vines. When the bottle is poured it can be more easily seen that it becomes a shape of a wine bottle.

Along with the logo design, wine labels and tasting notes were created to complete the branding concept for Elderton

Elderton Concept Wine Branding

Kokoda VR website concept

Wireframe concept and final version

Ongaku Japanese Electronic Music Festival

Logo Design


Motion Graphic